Petar Vujovic

I'm a software engineer who's building your next unicorn unvalidated idea

I build infrastructure, consumer apps and developer tools.

I like learning about pretty much everything (sometimes I wonder when my brain will need to defragment).

What I'm doing now


Taiko is a based rollup which makes Ethereum cheaper while maintaining its properties:

I am working on raiko which is taiko's multi-prover for Taiko and Ethereum blocks. I'm in charge of the repository and implementing the connective tissue between the different provers (currently Risc0, SP1 and SGX) in order to provide the optimal API for the network. I am also responsible for maintaining high standards for best Rust practices and future extensibility.
I am also responsible for adapting reth to support our L2 client and custom rollup block validation for taiko.

NEAR Horizon

NEAR Horizon connects people building on NEAR. It's a dApp built on the BOS platform on top of the NEAR Protocol .

I was the lead developer building all the parts of the project. From the UI, API, smart contract and indexer to the analytics, syncing with CRMs and fixing bugs.


sqlify is a CLI tool for formatting your SQL queries. It's built in Rust and uses the sqlformat crate for the actual formatting.

Something I built as a utility to help me organize my SQL queries in the projects I work on.


Tools for building NEAR smart contracts in JavaScript.

Allows developers to use JavaScript/TypeScript to build smart contracts for the NEAR Protocol and compile the using the included CLI tool to WASM to be deployed to the chain.

Zapier - NEAR integration

Zapier platform integration for NEAR Protocol.

Allows anyone to connect their NEAR account to Zapier and interact with the chain. I document the whole process of building an integration and write a blog post about it.

Integromat ( - NEAR integration

Integromat (now platform integration for NEAR Protocol.

Allows anyone to interact with the NEAR Protocol using scenarios like it was any other integration/plugin. I document the whole process of building an integration and write a blog post about it.